Андрей: Dear former Golden Dawn Yahoo Group Member, I always found necromancy distasteful. Since I started practicing magick, all the necromancers I experienced were sick individuals doing disgusting things and calling it magick. I've seen people using human skulls in ritual, heard of grave robbers digging up the dead, etc. I've even heard worse, but I won't repeat it here. On top of that, everyone I ever saw who practiced necromancy was sick, physically and mentally, and came off like a rebellious teenager. I didn't understand necromancers, didn't like what they stood for, and thought their practices here abhorrent. Then one day I met a different sort of necromancer. He's a regular guy. He has an independent streak, but I never met a magician that didn't! By all appearances, he is a healthy strong (if a bit on the heavy side), well adjusted husband and father. I had no idea he worked with the dead, until the subject came and he said, “Oh yeah, I've been working with the dead for around 10 years.” He said it in a matter of fact tone that stunned me for a second. “You're a necromancer?” “Of sorts, yeah.” “Do you use human bones in your rituals?” “No! That's disgusting! Besides, how would I get them?” “I don't know…but any Necromancy I've ever met claims to have dug up bones, their health is shot, they all have warped ideas about life and death. You seem so …normal!” <laughing>”That's because all those other guys are morons. Look, you know how there are wealful and woeful spirits on the Astral? Same with the dead. I started working with the dead by working with my ancestors. All tribal cultures all over the world have worshiped, sought information from and asked help from their ancestors. The dead hold all the wisdom and knowledge of the universe, and can affect this world.” “Leslie has an ancestor alter..but she's not a necromancer.” “If she seeks answers or help from her dead ancestors she is!” “Oh my Goddess, you're right! So what about all those people I've encountered?” “They're idiots! Look, necromancy was the norm in the prechristian world. As the nations were converted, the natural communication with ancestors was painted a dark and ugly thing. We know people in ancient prechristian Europe would sit on graves to get close to ancestors – NOT dig them up! I mean, maybe it happened on occasion, but it wasn't the norm. Necromancy is the most natural thing in the world. But you have to remember the first rule.” “Yeah?” “Just because they're dead doesn't mean they're smart! It also doesn't mean they are helpful. On the contrary, many of the dead are damaged, broken. They are what the Tribal Scandinavians called draugr. If you work with them they will suck your energy and your health…ergo the ‘necromancers’ who are always sick. It's not the practice of working with the dead, it's the practice of working with zombies…they anti-alive if you will, that makes them sick.” After our chat, my thoughts on working with the dead have completely changed. It seems the dead are powerful and knowledgeable. They are the holders of all the wisdom, but that's not a guarantee that any one holds any wisdom. So if you're going to work with the dead, be careful who you choose to work with. And don't ever just call forth any dead spirit, you'll end up with a zombie…and likely very sick. And if you're not working with the dead, choose a loving ancestor who has passed and work with them the same way you would work with a deity…you might find the results shockingly powerful! Sincerely and respectfully, David Griffin Imperator, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega Powered by Interspire

Ответов - 1 новых

Arteume Corsunn : Колесницы династии Шан/Инь 1300-1100 до н.э. Свидетельство ИЕ вторжения в Китай и установления там некромагической династии Шан/Инь. В этом заключается парадокс этой династии. Будучи ИЕ по своей природе, она тем не менее принесла в Китай не культ небесных божеств, подобный индийским и не культ обожествлённых абстрактных понятий, подобный персидским, а именно некромагический культ, свойственный мегалитическим племенам, с которыми ИЕ контактировали в Причерноморье от Добруджи до Горного Крыма и Абхазии. Подобный некромагический культ наблюдался в Южнобугском варианте Ямной КИО в 3 тыс. до н.э. По всей видимости, он же наблюдался и после ИЕ инвазии в Европу, однако позднее небесное жречество победило некромагов и ИЕ племена перешли к кремации. Кремация и отсутствие некромагии мы видим в постведдийской Индии. Нет некромагии и Ведах, которые обычно считаются древнейшим слоем индийских религий. С другой стороны, не исключено, что именно Веды и были тем комплексом текстов небесного жречества противостоявшего некромагам. Ближневосточные представления о смерти как об оскверняющем начале (сохранившиеся в т.ч. и в ТаНаХе) не позволили персам перейти к кремации, однако и у персов не было некромагического культа. На фоне европейских и центральноазиатских культов некромагия Шан/Инь представляется анахронизмом и в этом она близка казахстанским пирамидам и пазырыкским курганам.

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